Polytechnic Institute

Student Portal

IPoli Undergraduate Secretariat:

  • The IPOLI undergraduate secretariat is the sector responsible for managing academic-administrative demands sent to the Civil, Mechanical and Production Engineering Undergraduate Coordinations and the Teaching Department
  • Responsible technician: Etielle Santos
  • Contact e-mail: sec.grad@ipoli.macae.ufrj.br
  • Atendimento presencial de 09h às 16h. Sala 101, bloco C, Cidade Universitária
  • Opening tickets for online service:https://atendimento.macae.ufrj.br/sistema/open.php?topicId=69

Academic Guidance and Monitoring Committee (COAA):

According to Resolution 02/2016 of the Undergraduate Education Council – CEG/UFRJ, the Academic Guidance and Monitoring Committee has the function of, in joint work with the student's academic advisor, academically accompanying students on the Engineering courses at UFRJ-Macaé.



  • Felipe de Medeiros Sales (efetivo)
  • Diego da Silva Barros (substitute)


Basic Cycle:

  • Raphael Nunes Púpio Maia (effective)
  • without substitute


Civil Engineering:

  • Mauricio do Espírito Santo Andrade (effective)
  • Gisele Silva Barbosa (substitute)

Mechanical Engineering:

  • Maira Regina Rodrigues Magini (effective)
  • João Carlos Sant’anna da Silva (substitute)


Production engineering:

  • Milena Estanislau Diniz (permanent)
  • Elisa Granha Lira (substitute)


Student representatives:

  • Gustavo Veiga Corrêa Vieira (permanent)
  • Ana Beatriz Dos Santos Cipriano (substitute)
  • Johnny Martins Nascimento dos Santos (permanent)
  • João Pedro Alfradique de Oliveira (substitute)

Some COAA responsibilities:

  • Analysis of the student's academic situation and issuance of an opinion regarding the aid grant and accommodation grant.
  • Analysis of student cases in case of jubilation or at risk of jubilation (CEG Resolution 10/2004).
  • Discuss, together with the student's academic advisor, measures capable of overcoming diagnosed difficulties, in order to enable the student to achieve adequate academic development.

 The student is guaranteed access to any opinion issued on academic performance, as well as confidentiality in relation to access by third parties not directly involved in monitoring.

Academic Guidance:

In all courses at UFRJ there is an academic advisor, whose role is to help the student to properly choose their study plan (choice of subjects), guide them in decisions that involve academic acts, such as, for example: requesting a break requirements in subjects, enrollment in subjects outside the curricular sequence, taking subjects at the same time, blocking subjects and blocking enrollment.

The academic advisor works together with the course coordinator, the latter having the role of providing the advisor with elements for guidance.

For any academic procedure that cannot be carried out online (in SIGA), the student must contact their academic advisor for clarification or initiate proceedings if they have any doubts.

Common questions:

Can a student change academic advisor?

Yes, as long as the professor the student wants to advise agrees and is an Engineering professor.

What does it mean when, when trying to register for courses, the message "under the academic advising committee (COAA)" appears?

This means that your registration for a subject can only be done by your academic advisor (or course coordinator), after discussions about your academic performance. The student must contact the advisor during the course registration period or during a period determined by the advisor.

In what situations is the student at risk of being retired?

See Resolution CEG 10/2004 (http://www.im.ufrj.br/coaaim/ceg10_04_jubilamento.pdf).

What should a student who is at risk of being retired do?

Contact your academic advisor to assist you in planning your activities. Remember that any planning is not successful if there is no commitment from the student.

Registration in Automatic Locking situation:

Perigo de cancelamento imediato: Resoluções CEG 03/2008 (http://www.im.ufrj.br/coaaim/Res_CEG_3_2008.pdf) e 01/2010 (http://www.im.ufrj.br/coaaim/CEG2010_01_altera_Res_3_2008.pdf).