Polytechnic Institute

Research Projects

Support for the Postgraduate Program in Physics Teaching at UFRJ-Macaé

In this project, we propose the restructuring of the Laboratory for Research and Development in Exact Sciences Teaching (LAPECE), which will support PPGEF in remote and possibly hybrid teaching activities in postgraduate studies. LAPECE will also be able to support undergraduate and continuing education courses for basic education teachers, promoted by UFRJ-Macaé. We also intend to stimulate research and development of educational products through the adaptation of LAPECE and also through interaction with renowned researchers in the area of teaching, through panels, short courses and conferences (remote or not). It is worth noting that any in-person activities will only be carried out if permitted by the health authorities. We hope to consolidate the PPGEF/MNPEF at UFRJ-Macaé as a reference in the training of physics and science teachers in basic education, indirectly contributing to the training of basic education students, reducing school dropouts and improving the IDEB in the municipalities where we operate. Professor: Bernardo Mattos Tavares

Assessment of the implementation of distance learning in the interior of RJ during the pandemic.

Professor: Prof. Bernardo Mattos Tavares

Evaluation of the Implementation of Active Teaching Methodologies in Public Schools in the Municipality of Macaé

The use of active teaching methodologies and the extensive use of information and communication technologies have shown promise in reducing school dropout rates. This project aims to promote science teaching through active learning methodologies through the development of educational products applied in schools in the municipality of Macaé. As a direct impact of the actions of this project, we hope to contribute to improving the quality of basic education science classes and contribute to reducing school dropouts. Professor: VALERIA NUNES BELMONTE

Coping with COVID-19 in the North of Rio de Janeiro and Baixada Litorânea: Actions, perspectives and impacts

Project financed by parliamentary amendment (Deputy Talíria Petrone) that covers the entire UFRJ-Macaé Multidisciplinary Center (SEI 23079.218755/2021-93). This project operates under a Specific Agreement between UFRJ and FUJB and is financing Scientific Initiation scholarships (16 to date) and Research scholarships (2). It is also financing the construction of a DataCenter in the Center. Within this major project, I supervise 2 scientific initiation students working on a subproject: “Statistics and Data Analysis of COVID-19 in RJ”.
Professor: Antonio Cândido de Camargo Guimarães Júnior

Gravitation and Cosmology: Models of Field Theories in Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Interaction.

Dark matter and dark energy form the most formidable problem in Physics and Cosmology at the beginning of this century. General Relativity has proven to be the most appropriate theory for describing gravitational phenomena on an astrophysical scale. It is successfully applied to a wide range of situations, from the description of isolated stars, at typical distances from the solar system, to Cosmology, which deals with the greatest possible distances to be observed. However, apparently General Relativity with 'standard' fields has not been appropriate for describing the dark part of the Universe. Here, we seek to understand issues involving Einstein's Theory of Gravitation and interaction with matter fields that can describe dark matter and dark energy, as well as applications of this and field theories in cosmological contexts.

Alternative Theories to the Standard Cosmological Model

The discovery of accelerated expansion in the Universe brought significant challenges to modern cosmology. Questions arose about the validity of the General Theory of Relativity in describing cosmological dynamics and also about the material composition of the Universe. The standard cosmological model, known as LCDM, has proven to be the most compatible with observational data to date. However, there are gaps regarding the nature of the cosmological constant, which is considered a candidate for the dark energy component responsible for the accelerated expansion.


Given this scenario, several alternative models to LCDM have been proposed. The objective of this project is to analyze these models using the Bayesian statistics approach, in order to determine which one is the most likely when considering data from supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, spectrum of the cosmic microwave background and information on cosmic expansion obtained from luminous red galaxies.


This project uses data obtained from satellites that are part of international scientific collaborations. Furthermore, it uses computer programming and the Monte Carlo method to perform statistical analyses. Through these techniques, we seek to obtain a more accurate and robust understanding of alternative models in light of available observational evidence.


Professor: Marcela Campista Borges de Carvalho

Analysis of symmetries in Coupled Differential Equations

 This project is interested in studying the behavior of solutions of equivariant ordinary differential equations under the action of a symmetry group. Furthermore, we are interested in understanding how this symmetry influences the solution of these equations. The modeling of biological systems is also part of the scope of this project. Professor: MARCIO MAGINI

Application of active methodologies with programming support for high school students

The objective of this project is to evaluate the use of computer programming as an active methodology tool in high school. As specific objectives: (1) Propose projects using the context of high school subjects that can be solved using programming (2) Evaluate students' interest and performance in the projects and subjects involved. Professor: LAURA EMMANUELLA ALVES DOS SANTOS SANTANA

Machine Learning for Engineering Problems

This project aims to apply artificial intelligence, more specifically machine learning algorithms, as an alternative for solving problems in various areas of engineering. Examples of problems already addressed cover areas of mechanical engineering (forecasting wind energy and solar energy generated in Brazil, predicting failures in mechanical equipment, predicting properties of composite materials, CDF and machine learning), petroleum engineering (predicting rate of drilling in oil wells, prediction of failure in the drilling process), production engineering (demand prediction and inventory management, prediction of university dropouts) and civil engineering (road safety in image classification based on the use of belts and cellular, hydrological forecast). Professor: Janaina Sant Anna Gomide

STEM Education for Children and Youth

This project aims to disseminate and encourage education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for children and young people. The activities of this project involve studying how these areas are related and proposing activities, such as workshops and short courses, for children and young people. Professor: Janaina Sant Anna Gomide

Signal Analysis and Processing Laboratory (LASP)

The project aims to build a signal analysis and processing laboratory using various computational techniques. The focus of the project is to seek applications in different areas of knowledge that require advanced computational techniques for data analysis and time series. Professor: MARCIO MAGINI

Computational Techniques in Biological Signal Analysis

This project aims to analyze biological signals such as EEG and EMG to aid in disease diagnosis and pathology prediction. To this end, computational data analysis techniques such as FFT, Wavelets and statistical tools are used. This project is linked to the research productivity grant. Professor: MARCIO MAGINI

Agrobiodiversity, Climate and Energy: challenges and potential in bean production in the state of Rio de Janeiro

Food production, reconciling food and environmental security, is one of humanity's main challenges today. Conventional agriculture has directly contributed to rising global temperatures, at the same time that the effects of this warming, such as longer and more frequent periods of drought and drought, and greater variability and increase in temperatures, are already impacting productivity and food security , in different regions of the planet. Agrobiodiversity management, genotype-environment interaction and the use of renewable energy can mitigate the effects in scenarios of global climate change and rapid modification of the landscape due to human action. In the state of Rio de Janeiro (ERJ), agricultural production is characterized by small and medium-sized rural properties, using family labor. Among crops, common beans are relevant in the context of the macro challenges faced, as farmers in Rio de Janeiro maintain a large and important agrobiodiversity, which has been studied by UENF. An analysis of the geographic distribution of common bean varieties, in four mesoregions of ERJ studied, identified a strong influence of climatic and cultural factors. The extreme northwest was indicated as a diversity hotspot, however, in three regions, an intense process of genetic erosion was observed. Focal studies in specific experimental plots together with high-throughput and precision envirotyping platforms, which integrate genotypic, phenotypic and environmental information, are being used to enable high-efficiency sustainable agricultural production based on deciphered environmental impacts. This proposal brings together an interinstitutional and multidisciplinary team, and its main objectives are to introduce the envirotyping approach, building an integrated and open platform of phenotypic, genotypic and environmental data for bean crops in ERJ, in order to support conservation and use of the agrobiodiversity found for the crop, and ratify the municipalities of Porciúncula and Varre-Sai, located in the northwest of the state, as bean agrobiodiversity hotspots. Professor: RAFAEL MALHEIRO DA SILVA DO AMARAL FERREIRA

Studies of sustainable sanitation solutions for small communities

Based on the lack of access to sanitation services (water, sewage, solid waste and rainwater management) in small communities, study and propose viable and sustainable technical solutions, which allow supporting Municipal Basic Sanitation Plans, as well as the universalization of access to basic sanitation in these locations. Professor: BEATRIZ ROHDEN BECKER

Geoprocessing in Hydrology

Development of models and techniques for processing hydrological information, using a GIS-type geoprocessing environment. Professor: RAFAEL MALHEIRO DA SILVA DO AMARAL FERREIRA

Irrigasol Project – Smart and sustainable irrigation

The Irrigasol project consists of a smart irrigation concept that aims to save water and energy use by estimating the plant's water needs and the use of solar energy. The project is inspired by the NEXUS concept proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which addresses the balance of the Water-Energy-Food tripod, as well as being aligned with SDGs 2, 6 and 7. The Irrigasol can be understood as a social technology, which represents good agricultural production practices, simultaneously addressing water conservation, the rational use of energy, the use of renewable energy and food production (food security), including socioeconomic development. of the small producer.Professor: RAFAEL MALHEIRO DA SILVA DO AMARAL FERREIRA

WC&WC Project: Ecological Sewage Treatment by Built Wetlands

The WC&WC project began with a pilot sewage treatment plant and is being implemented on the UFRJ-Macaé campus. The station aims to treat sewage generated by a bathroom through vertical flow wetlands. Due to its design, the project can be replicated to other locations that do not have sewage treatment, especially after validating its operation at the pilot station. The project design converges with the proposal of SDG 6: drinking water and sanitation. The WC&WC project aims to contribute to the universalization of sanitation, ensuring that effluent is treated before disposal. In this way, the return of treated effluent in accordance with environmental quality parameters contributes to the preservation of receiving water bodies, providing clean water to other users. The WC&WC project brings the opportunity for the real implementation of ecological and decentralized sewage treatment systems of the constructed wetland type. The full operation of the pilot station will bring with it concrete experience regarding the efficiency of sewage treatment in constructed wetlands, allowing the assessment of the feasibility of such a system being implemented in other locations. Although there are already wetlands built in Brazil, the theoretical basis was developed for countries with a temperate climate, which implies that each installation was built empirically and produced different results for each adopted design and local climatic conditions. Therefore, it is expected that the results achieved will provide guidelines for access and universalization of basic sanitation. Professor: RAFAEL MALHEIRO DA SILVA DO AMARAL FERREIRA

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Buildings

This project aims to analyze Brazilian electrical energy conservation and labeling programs, focusing on actions aimed at sustainable buildings and the development of new indicators to be attached to existing ones; Analyze national and foreign environmental certification programs with a view to checking similarities and their effective potential for use considering the climatic, social, cultural and economic reality of Brazil. Measure the metrics proposed by national and foreign environmental certification programs and validate them through field tests and computer simulation. Analyze the methodology of post-occupancy assessment tests already established in the literature and develop new practices. Develop a methodology for evaluating the influence of buildings on urban heat islands, considering their architectural design, implementation, materials used and air conditioning systems. Develop technical, economic and financial feasibility studies regarding the implementation of sustainable construction strategies, based on return on investment calculations, as a way of motivating the most diverse productive sectors to consider sustainability in the construction and operation of their projects. Optimize the engineering design process aiming to design buildings with a higher level of energy efficiency. Analyze public projects to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices in civil construction at the municipal, state and federal levels, in order to validate their effectiveness and propose improvements to current public policies. Professor: BRUNO BARZELLAY FERREIRA DA COSTA

Urban Sustainability

This group aims to bring together researchers linked to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Macaé Campus, working in different lines of research directly related to the study of urban sustainability, such as energy efficiency of buildings, urban water management, city development smart, planning and urban mobility. The objective is to hold theoretical discussions about the state of the art on the topic and propose technical solutions based on field experiments and computer simulations, in order to contribute to the formulation of concrete strategies that favor the sustainable development of cities. Therefore, its main purpose is to generate technical knowledge that supports the construction of effective public policies, with a high potential for impact on the urban environment. Professor: BRUNO BARZELLAY FERREIRA DA COSTA

Ecological Technologies as a tool for the teaching-learning process of secondary and elementary school students and teachers

The new paradigms placed in our society, involving sustainable development and intelligent technologies, need to be addressed with greater intensity in the teaching-learning process since school. The exchange promoted by experts from UFRJ-Macaé and the municipal school Natalio Salvador is an example of how to optimize the student teaching process and train teachers, through the development of ecological technology projects. The smart and sustainable irrigation project is being physically implemented at this school, and brings numerous opportunities to address topics relevant to the state of RJ and the country, such as the conservation of water resources, the use of renewable energy, the use of electronic sensors among others. Additionally, the agenda of activities to be developed must be included in the curricular subjects, as well as the teaching of subjects can rely on practical activities, in order to strengthen the pedagogical learning process. Professor: RAFAEL MALHEIRO DA SILVA DO AMARAL FERREIRA

Applications of Shape Memory Alloys for Structures with Dynamic Loads

Dynamic loadings are evaluated and considering the phenomenon of pseudoelasticity, which is the phase transformation in the microstructure of shape memory alloys, resulting in energy dissipation. For this, two large groups of structures are considered: civil, such as bridges and buildings, and offshore, such as ships and platforms. The objective is to evaluate how shape memory alloys can reduce structural impacts caused by dynamic loading. Professor: LUCAS LISBOA VIGNOLI

Multiscale Analysis of Failure Criteria for Composite Materials

FAPERJ NOTICE No. 27/2021 – BASIC RESEARCH AID (APQ1) IN ICTS BASED IN THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO – 2021 The focus of this project is to study failure criteria for composite materials. The main idea is to use only the properties of the fibers and matrices to determine failure, whether for static or fatigue loading. To this end, a critical evaluation of existing models will be carried out, proposing improvements when necessary, and their estimates will be compared with experimental data compiled from the literature. Professor: LUCAS LISBOA VIGNOLI

Experimental Characterization and Phenomenological Description of the Plastic Behavior of Metal Sheets

Development and use of techniques that allow the measurement and evaluation of the plastic behavior of metal sheets are used, including uniaxial tensile tests, cold rolling, hardness, optical microscopy, among others. Such techniques are capable of determining mechanical properties, namely: yield stress, ultimate strength, plastic anisotropy, hardening, etc. Plastic behavior is described by phenomenological models whose parameters are identified from these tests and the models are used in computer simulation using finite elements. Professor: MARCELO COSTA CARDOSO

Sustainable Engineering: A holistic approach to the environmental management of natural resources

Project that finances the mobility of engineering undergraduate students at UFRJ Macaé. Professor: NECESIO GOMES COSTA

Structuring a Multi-User Numerical Simulation Center at UFRJ-Macaé

FAPERJ Notice No. 07/2020 – Inclusive Digital Education Program? Support for Public Institutions of Higher Education – 2020 This project aims to assist in the development of the structure for teaching and researching numerical methods at UFRJ-Macaé, being a collaboration of the following laboratories based on the campus: Center for Technology and Application of Composite Materials, Laboratory of Manufacturing and Mechanical Testing and Fluids and Thermosciences Laboratory. The objective is to form a multi-user nucleus to meet the demands of engineering courses. Professor: LUCAS LISBOA VIGNOLI

Structuring Multi-User Mechanical Engineering Laboratories at UFRJ-Macaé

FAPERJ NOTICE No. 47/2021 – SUPPORT FOR REGIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO (DCTR) – 2021 The focus of this project is to assist in the development of the structure for teaching and research in mechanical engineering at the Multidisciplinary Center of UFRJ-Macaé, being a collaboration of the following laboratories based on campus: Center for Technology and Application of Composite Materials, Manufacturing and Mechanical Testing Laboratory and Fluids and Thermosciences Laboratory. The objective is to form a multi-user nucleus to meet the demands of engineering courses. Professor: LUCAS LISBOA VIGNOLI

Study of Metrological Quality in a human blood pressure measuring device? Mechanical sphygmomanometer in the municipality of Macaé

While using a measuring instrument, it may suffer occasional drops, wear of its components and consequent loss of measuring capacity; It is important to periodically evaluate these instruments. Analysis of the instrument will provide objective evidence of its condition, indicating the need for maintenance. The objective of this work is to evaluate the quality of human blood pressure measuring instruments – sphygmomanometers, used in the Municipality of Macaé, to present to professionals who operate this type of instrument the tests carried out and the importance of periodic evaluations; as well as the need to comply with Inmetro’s metrological technical regulations. The activities to be developed will include a training course; research of institutions, preparation of planning, analysis of the quality of the instrument, dissemination lecture on the results obtained and the importance of evaluating measuring instruments. Professor: JOAO CARLOS SANT ANNA DA SILVA

Study of the weldability of steels for shipbuilding

Steel for construction, due to the severe stresses and environments it is subjected to, must have good mechanical resistance characteristics. However, welding can affect its properties mainly in contact with seawater at relatively low temperatures. This project aims to analyze the weldability of the steel in question in the construction and repair sector, using electric arc processes in different conditions to prevent failures caused by corrosion. Professor: RUDINELI DEMARQUE

Study of the weldability of dissimilar joints with high mechanical and metallurgical resistance

 Analysis of metallurgical compatibility and properties of dissimilar joints welded by electric arc processes. Professor: RUDINELI DEMARQUE

Study on the Metrological evaluation of Flow Measurement Systems through Orifice Plates

Flow measurements are present in numerous processes, both domestic and productive, and in various industrial systems, such as chemical, food, oil, among others. Its importance lies in measuring fluid flow for process control or commercialization, aiming to pay inputs and taxes, among which we highlight the payment of oil royalties. Various types of meters and measurement technologies are used for flow controls, such as pressure difference measurement systems, ultrasonic systems, turbines, thermal systems and volume displacement. Among the types of meters discussed previously, the orifice plate flow measurement system stands out due to its low acquisition and process maintenance costs. The general objective of this work is to analyze the technical metrological regulation established by the ANP-Agencia Nacional de Petróleo and Inmetro-Instituto Nacional de Metrologia e Qualidade, which defines the metrological requirements for the various flow measurement systems, with the focus of this work being measuring system through orifice plate. Measurements will also be carried out on the various parameters of a measurement system and these will be compared with measurements carried out in previous years. The metrological technical guidelines for dimensional inspections will be analyzed, contained in the joint ANP/Inmetro Ordinance no. hole. The following parameters will be studied: lengths of straight sections upstream and downstream, flow conditioner, circularity of the plate and pipe, cylindricity of the pipe, surface roughness for plate and pipe, distances and type of pressure taps. The data collected will be compared with data from previous measurements and a final work report will be issued. The results of measurements to be carried out in a measurement system composed of an orifice plate and straight sections upstream and downstream will be presented. These parameters will be compared with the values established in technical regulations and technical standards, which will be evaluated regarding the parameters' compliance or non-compliance. These values will be compared with results from previous evaluations for the same measurement system, demonstrating the repeatability or otherwise of the evaluated elements and their relative wear during operationalization. Professor: JOAO CARLOS SANT ANNA DA SILVA

Physical Chemistry and its applications

The project covers the lines of research: applications of Physical Chemistry in biotechnology, new materials applied to industry and polymeric materials in biomedical applications. Professor: MAIRA REGINA RODRIGUES MAGINI

Applied Mechanics Research Group

Formed by professionals who work in various areas directly associated with the study of mechanics, covering the areas of solid mechanics, materials, fluid mechanics and thermosciences. Therefore, four areas were initially created for development, namely: materials science, solid mechanics, numerical and thermal modeling and simulation, and fluids. The lines of research were created within each corresponding area and can be expanded according to the needs of their existing members. Professor: MARCELO COSTA CARDOSO

Multiscale Modeling of Shape Memory Hybrid Composites

CEPG Notice No. 155 – Support Program for Newly Doctor Antonio Luís Vianna Teachers? 2020 (ALV?2020) This project aims to assist in the development of the structure for research into numerical simulation of composite materials at UFRJ-Macaé. Its emphasis is on modeling hybrid composites with smart materials, especially shape memory alloys. Professor: LUCAS LISBOA VIGNOLI

Modernization of the Fishing Fleet

Design and construction of fishing vessels and their equipment. Professor: MAURICIO AGUILAR NEPOMUCENO DE OLIVEIRA

Optimization of the efficiency of a solar parabolic trough with an innovative structure

The most widespread electricity generating sources in Brazil are hydroelectric and thermoelectric, which cause environmental impacts such as air pollution and thermal water pollution. The search for renewable energy sources becomes an attractive proposal when analyzed in economic terms and the reduction of environmental damage. The objective of this project is to deepen the knowledge and technological development of solar energy in Brazil, which is still little disseminated due to political and economic reasons. This project aims to continue the PIBIC/CNPq project, in which a parabolic trough with an innovative structure was built on the premises of the UFRJ-Macaé Multidisciplinary Center. During this work, the temperature profile of the thermal fluid in the absorber tube will be investigated using thermocouple sensors and using low-cost thermal fluid, and analyzing the optimization of thermal efficiency given the different parameters investigated. Partial results were obtained by reaching temperatures of up to 97ºC at around 2pm on the day, using only water as a fluid. The execution of this project will collaborate with the improvement of thermal efficiency through solar technologies, the development of technological innovation with the proposal of a low-cost gutter, in addition to providing Engineering students with the dissemination of theoretical knowledge in practical experiences. Professor: ELISA PINTO DA ROCHA

Bioenergy production from sanitation waste treatment: transforming environmental liabilities into resources and opportunities

Given the current critical pandemic scenario, measures related to strengthening the basic sanitation system are urgent. Recent legal instruments have come into force in the country with the aim of encouraging the treatment and energy use of waste, which highlights the importance of studies on the processes that involve the biodigestion of waste combined with the generation of bioenergy. In the state of Rio de Janeiro, it is estimated that the potential for methane (CH4) generation from single-stage digestion of urban waste and sewage is 55 and 3 MW, respectively. Studies carried out with sanitation waste in a combined digestion system (anaerobic co-digestion) in two stages (sequential production of hydrogen (H2) and CH4), on a laboratory scale, indicated a potential of 50 g H2/m³ CH4, with total energy yield 10.7% higher than single-stage digestion system. The two-stage digestion system presents itself as a simple technique that uses microorganisms from the sewage itself, and is promising for energy use purposes, enabling the treatment of different wastes in the same location. This makes it possible to reduce treatment costs and increase the energy supply and jobs throughout the production chain (production and distribution of biogas and biofertilizer). In this project, to determine the most appropriate operational conditions for the production of H2 and CH4 that make their energy use viable, tests will be carried out with different proportions of waste (sewage sludge and organic fraction of urban waste) at different scales to evaluation of the best mixture and scaling effect, including the characterization of the microorganisms involved in co-digestion, simulation of biogas production using mathematical models and evaluation of the use of the final product of co-digestion (digestate) as a biofertilizer in the initial growth of corn crops in soil low fertility in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Professor: ELISA PINTO DA ROCHA

Repairs with Composite Materials in Pipes in the Oil & Gas Industry

This project aims to explore the application of composite materials in the Oil & Gas industry. Due to the environmental conditions present in this sector, structures usually present damage resulting from the corrosion process. The most traditional form of repair is using welding to replace the damaged part, which is a process that can have safety implications. Alternatively, repairs with composite materials have been explored due to their low cost, ease of application and efficiency. However, modeling composite materials has intrinsic difficulties due to their multiscale nature. Therefore, we want to develop tools that facilitate the design of repairs with composite materials for pipes. Professor: LUCAS LISBOA VIGNOLI

Expanding perspectives in the North Fluminense region to the relevant role of women in exact sciences, computing and engineering

CNPq/MCTIC Call No. 31/2018 – Girls in Exact Sciences, Engineering and Computing The Project Broadening views in the North Fluminense region to the relevant role of women in exact sciences, computing and engineering aims to encourage public school students to be scientists and engineers, through activities that show the fundamental role of women in the development of science. Through various activities and workshops, we intend to disseminate, disseminate and democratize scientific and technological knowledge; contribute to improving the quality of science teaching in Macaé and the region; attract students, mainly women, to Engineering and Exact Sciences courses, in addition to stimulating the academic training of young female students from elementary to high school and also undergraduate courses in the area of Exact Sciences and Engineering, generating among the students involved a broad discussion on the relevant role of women in Exact Sciences and Engineering. Professor: MILENA ESTANISLAU DINIZ

Sustainable Innovation

The project aims to conceptually establish the impact of innovations on sustainable development and, in particular, evaluate the contribution of startups to achieving sustainable development objectives. Professor: CARLOS EDUARDO LOPES DA SILVA

Entrepreneurial University: Potential contributions to the sustainable socio-environmental development of Macaé-Rj.

Based on the development of a reference model and an evaluation model for Entrepreneurial Universities, the project seeks to evaluate local universities and create alternatives for the sustainable development of Macaé-Rj. Professor: CARLOS EDUARDO LOPES DA SILVA