Polytechnic Institute

Degree in Production Engineering

The Production Engineering Course has a generalist nature, being the necessary option for creating personnel training with an integrative profile both in relation to the technological systems of each of the production chains present or being implemented in the region. In addition to having a comprehensive approach necessary to deal with problems associated with regional socioeconomic development – urban infrastructure, industries, services, etc. This integrative profile should encourage the adoption of solutions that are innovative applications of knowledge and that prioritize environmental preservation and sustainability.

These skills are essential for the exercise of the profession of production engineer, in the areas of quality, economic management, management of operations and production processes, product engineering, work engineering, organizational engineering or with quantitative methods.

Furthermore, the Production Engineering Course focuses on delving deeper into a current and flexible set of pedagogical methods, such as challenging and practical work, whether in groups or individually, which enables effective generation of knowledge; development of self-learning skills; systemic thinking and communication, without losing sight of market needs. The graduate's ethical stance is imperative, as is the development of the ability to work alongside operators, developing and formalizing organizational learning, without which new goals and objectives are not feasible.


Coordination Contact: producaoufrjmacae@gmail.com




Area of Expertise: Quantitative Methods, Renewable Energy, Philosophy

Vice coordinator:



Area of Activity: Production Strategy, Quality and Productivity Management, Statistical Quality Control and Method Engineering